Social Customer Service Review – JetBlue Airways

JetBlue Airways is an American low cost airline.
The page has a good social media presence with 979.5K likes on Facebook, 1.86Million followers on Twitter. They also have 33K followers on Instagram and 3.63 Million views on Youtube.
Lets get into details of how they are responding to customer queries and complaints on social media.
Element 1 – Tone of Messaging
They gave a very personal touch to their conversations. For example in the conversations below

Even to the complaints posted on their Facebook page, they make sure that the post is attended to.


Element 2 – Are they sending canned responses, without understanding the context?
Clearly they are not sending any canned response. Their responses are very contextual.
Lets look at the same complaint on Facebook.



Clearly the response from the customer service agent is with the understanding of the situation. The agent even pointed out the earlier complaint by the customer.
Element 3 – Turnaround Time
On Facebook the average response time is within 1 hour of the post. On Twitter also the response time is within the next 30 minutes of the post.
Element 4 – Is brand sending personalized replies?
Yes. The brand is sending very personalized responses. As mentioned earlier, it is with clear understanding of the context.
Element 5 – Is brand following up on the complaints?
To begin with, there were less number of complaint on the brand. Among the complaints of the brand posted online, they make sure the case is closed.
Element 6 – Is brand answering to all the queries?
The brand received around 20 post from fans in a day on their Facebook page. On a average 55% of them were responded. The remaining 45% were not responded by the brand. Some genuine and important queries were left unattended. It is okay to ignore some of the generic posts, but genuine queries needs to be attended.
Element 7 – Is brand sending duplicate replies?
Considering an active social media response and follow up team. No duplicate replies were noticed.
In summary, the JetBlue used social media effectively. They responded to complaints and makes sure the case is closed. On the other hand, the percentage of response to the fan post on their channels could be increased.