5 Ways to boost your engagement on Facebook



‘Engagement’ is the mantra when it comes to social media networks and especially Facebook. The social network is a great platform to meet and interact with fans and customers of your brand. But when you are not the only person who is doing what you are doing, you need to pay more attention to retaining these fans and customers of your brand. So, here we go, 5 ways to boost your engagement on facebook.


Timely and consistent updates: Like twitter, even on facebook, time is an important factor and if your posts need to appear on top of your fans and customers newsfeed, you need to update your posts at the time they likely login to facebook accounts. And not to be forgotten that posting facebook updates consistently regularly creates an impression about the brand. Research says that news that is posted between 1 and 4pm get the highest activity. You can also cash in on Fridays as people try to sneak out to Facebook to come out of their office burnouts. And remember to keep your posts short without boring them with too much of content.
Post shareable content: Do not post just some random crap. Post content that our audience might want to read and share. Write content thinking about your fans and even their friends. This can give your higher rates of engagement. Compared to text, images usually grab more attention and people like to share it more. If you are trying with text, do not overdo with links. Having too many links makes it too salesy and in fact, people might not love it.
Sharing promotional content: Giving incentives is another best way to increase engagement. Giving freebies has been the best marketing tactic since its inception and Facebook doesn’t deny this fact. Don’t give away boring incentives. Think creative, out-of-the-box and slate creative incentives and freebies, offers, gifts, etc. Offers are what everyone wants to grab. So your fans are likely to share it so that their friends do not miss out on the opportunity.

Have discussions: Start having simple conversations with fans. Start off by asking questions. Any questions to begin with. When you ask a question, people who know the answer, cannot just get along without answering it. So, you can expect engagement. Use action keywords that trigger the emotions of your fans. Ask questions they can relate to. According to a few research works, questions of ‘Why’ gets less attention compared to question of ‘Where’ and ‘How’.
Be a human personality: Last but a very important way, do not set automatic updates. Even if you have a real human, checking out things. Having a real human updating your facebook page can create a completely great brand image of your brand. Let your fans relate to a human person why they take the name of your brand rather than just your brand name. It creates a great impact and whenever they see an update, they are likely to respond. Be real is always good for a brand.
Did you get some insights for boosting your facebook engagement? You can share us your insights as well. Write to us in the comments below.
Image Credits: shiftdigitalmedia.com