Social Media Buzz Analysis of Leaked Nude Photos of Celebrities

A collection of more than 200 private pictures of various celebrities were posted on Imageboard4chan on August 31, 2014. This later got disseminated on other websites such as Imgur, Reddit and even Tumblr. It is believed that these images have been acquired by a breach of Apple’s cloud services called iCloud.
It is needless to mention that the incident started creating buzz on social media.
There have been more than 82K mentions on this topic in the last 7 days on social media. The most talked about celebrities were Jennifer Lawrence, Melissa Benoist, Mary Winstead and Kate Upton.
Going by numbers, Twitter once again was the most used platform for conversation on the topic contributing around 81% of the total social media buzz. Google Plus at second position contributed for almost 6.1% of the buzz followed by Facebook at 4.2%. Mashable was the major media source to drive the conversation.
Of the total buzz, 67% were positive and 22% neutral and only around 11% were of negative sentiment. Women (53.7%) were observed to be more engaged in the discussion than men (46.3%) and majority of the buzz (54%) was generated by the age group of 21-40 years. The buzz were mostly from US (47%) followed by India (12%) and UK (3%).
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