Madison Square Garden got modified into “Modi”son Square Garden when the newly elected Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi began expressing his vision on the global stage.
In few minutes time, the speech garnered close to 300,000 mentions and Twitteratis went gaga over the sharp and astute vision of India’s prime leader. India and USA alone contributed to over 65% of the total buzz and NRIs residing in other countries like UAE, Australia, UK and Canada also tweeted their appreciation for the fantastic speech.
#ModiAtMadison was the most used hash tag with 175k mentions. And, to add icing on the cake over 1000 videos were uploaded on YouTube where #ModiinUS was the most used hash tag on YouTube.
The event garnered 78% positive buzz and a miniscule amount of 1.7% as negative buzz where the rest of the conversations did not carry any opinion.
Vang Lian, Head of Research, Simplify360, said: “The event has set a new benchmark and expectation among the people.”