What do my customers need? An astute Marketing Manager knows that customer experience(CX) is most crucial for his business. He lays importance on understanding how they can deliver better rather than what they deliver. To ameliorate CX, the savvy marketers focus on the journey instead of touch points to improve the experience.
Yet, sometimes managers confuse the word Customer Experience with customer delight. Whereas in actual scenario Customer delight is a small part of CX. To understand this better, we need to understand the difference between CX and customer delight.
Customer Delight is achievable only at the touch points and creates a short term impact on the consumer base. It helps in earning customer loyalty for a short span, with minuscule chances of conversion into brand advocates. Optimizing a single customer journey to create a delight is tactical. Whereas, shifting organizational processes, culture, and mindsets to a journey orientation for better CX is strategic and transformational.
Therefore, the organizations need to identify appropriate tailored metrics, to measure customer experience and bring the operational and cultural shift, that engages the organization across functions. Customer Delight, on the other hand, can be made a part of CX to meet the short term goals like creating viral stories.