How do you connect with your fans through Facebook Ads?



Facebook as a social media platform gives user an opportunity and power to connect and share with the world. One of the ways to connect with your audience on Facebook is Facebook ads.  Facebook ads have gained much popularity amongst businesses. We have been running ads for our clients to gain more fans and visibility. Facebook Ads lets you create and increase your community base and communicate with them on daily basis.

Facebook ads work on many factors, which play a vital role in making the campaign successful.

  • Target the right audience:  Facebook ads allow you to target the audience you to reach out through your ads

Advertisers can target based on

  1. Location, Language, Education, and Work
  2. Age, Gender, Birthday, and Relationship Status
  3. Likes & Interests
  4. Friends of Connections: Friends of Connections targeting allows you to target the friends of users already connected to your Page or App to reach a more relevant audience
  5. Connections: Connections targeting allows you to target your ad to current fans of your Page for promoting special offers and driving customer loyalty
  6. Designing Facebook ads

After indentifying the target audience, second comes the designing of the ads. We would suggest you to create 2-4 sets of ad sets. Facebook Ads basically consists of:

  1. Title               
  2. Image
  3. Body




Advertising Campaign needs to be optimized based on these three parameters, along with target filter.

It is suggested that while creating ads, there should be 3-4 variation of the same ads. Variations can be in image or body. This will help you in analyzing which ad works best for the target group.


Some Best Practices for designing the ads

  1. Always use an image which goes well with the ad content. Image should depict the message you want to convey through your ad
  2. Message should be short, crisp and to the point.
  3. Add call to action to your message. For example “like us now to avail 50% discount on beauty products”.

Analyzing and Optimizing

Once the ads are running, you need to monitor and analyze them continuously to know which ad is performing well. Using the ads report you can analyze which text and which image is working better for you. On reviewing the report you can anytime pause the non performing ads and reallocate the budget to the performing ads.



Optimization of ads is very important in order to bring new content and image this will give you better results as there are chances of audience getting bored with same old content. We would suggest optimizing your ads whenever you see decrease in the CTR.

Important Success metrics for Ads


  1. Social Reach: People who saw your ads with the name of their friends who liked your page, RSVped your event or used your app
  2. Connections: number of people liked your page, RSVPed your event or installed your app within 24 hrs of seeing your ad
  3. Clicks: A click is counted when a person clicks through your ad to your landing page. This includes liking your Page, RSVPing to your event, or installing your app within the ad creative.
  4. CTR(Click-Through Rate): Number of clicks ads received divided by the number of times the were shown on the site.