Here Now NAIL them, A little tool to boost your Social Rep!!



ts been a while since we delivered fresh cookies from InRev (the team behind Simplify360 and Buzzom). So we thought we could delight with you more! Read on to get to know whats in store for you!

Fishing ‘Likes’ have become as tough as selling colas in Antarctica!

But wait…

Its no time to QUIT, cos you have got help!!

Though even a +1 on the fan count sounds good, we understand how hard it is to come by. Being a understanding companion, we, at InRev, have always focused on baking wholesome goodies for the past couple of years, to help you keeping your fans happy. Now we have got another pretty delicious goody for you that will put a smile over your fans’ faces, exciting them to get back to your page for more!!

Ta Da!! Presenting you the new Facebook app, fresh out of our factory. This new goody will help you monitor your Most Interactive Fan and will help you spotlight on them, lending you a hand in making your page more interactive and fun to hang around for your fans!

Now you have got more to help keeping your fan page alive than just posts or pics!!